Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Journey Two Kicked Off…with a Power Outage!

Sunday the second programmed youth camp began at Highland Lakes Encampment. This week started off with a power outage. As Kari and I filled out some paperwork in the office, the opening rally was getting started. We went in about half way through to find things moving very smoothly. I went backstage to visit with the director of operations and that’s when the power died. After powering the sound system down and checking all the breakers I had access to, we called in the “big dogs,” because I would not be able to fix the problem. The Rec Teams from Wayland and ETBU did an awesome job entertaining and directing the students without a PA and successfully ended the welcome rally. The staff quickly assessed the problem, which was in the main box at the power pole, but left us without power till dinner.

After a quick sound check, we were ready to begin worship with the Stephen Miller Band. I had the pleasure of working with these guys during Journey One and good times with them again. These guys love God, are flexible, and easy to work with. Oh, and they sound good too. Author and Youth Communicator Jeffrey Dean took the stage and had the students ‘whooping’ and ‘hollering’ immediately to drive home a point. He spoke God’s word very effectively and I am looking forward to hearing more from Mr. Dean.

We headed home, but said hello to Gene, Rachel and Nat before grabbing a cheese hot dog and LARGE Dr. Pepper. It was a wonderful ending to a great weekend. God Bless.

Answers to July 4th baseball questions:
C) 1931
A) Eddie Murray & Mickey Mantle

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