Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome to Bremond!

"You are moving to a huge mission field..." Brother Stan on the community and area we serve in.

Beginning our third week living in the Bremond area and serving at First Baptist Church Bremond, we have already been blessed by some many people in some many different ways.

The blessings started with the moving crew who helped us get from Highland Lakes Camp to Bremond. It was an amazing picture of Christ like servant hood right on our front lawn, storage building unload and getting us into our temporary residence. Amazing!

We live by an amazing couple who have blessed us. They love the boys so much and the boys love them. We see them almost daily and between the cows and frogs Landon and Logan our learning to live a little differently and it's a blast!

Not forgetting all the others who have blessed us through prayer, time, money, food and just an encouraging word, thanks to each of you. It's been amazing to see how God provides.

Upon serving, the immediate need has been working with the student ministry. Our first Wednesday night 22 attended. Nothing I did or said drew these students to church, but the new facility built by the church to reach the community seems to have drawn interest from the students. It's a great opportunity to share and teach the gospel to many who might not have heard it. I'd say the church identified a way to reach the community and it has become a vessel in which the Lord is given glory and honor.

Pray for the students as they begin their summer.

Pray for Kari and I as we allow God to use us in our new community.

Some job opportunities have popped up on the radar (I currently serve part-time). Please be praying that whatever other income and housing God has in store for us, we would recognize and follow Him.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support. God bless.

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