Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Remember what He has Done

"They spoke against God, saying, “Is God able to provide food in the wilderness? Look! He struck the rock and water gushed out; torrents overflowed. But can He also provide bread or furnish meat for His people? ” He gave a command to the clouds above and opened the doors of heaven. He rained manna for them to eat; He gave them grain from heaven. People ate the bread of angels. He sent them an abundant supply of food. Despite all this, they kept sinning and did not believe His wonderful works. They remembered that God was their rock, the Most High God, their Redeemer." Psalm 78:19-20, 23-25, 32, 35
Remembering what God does for you and I is part of what continues the faith building process. I trust in Him for many reasons and I recognize that He is the provider of everything. I need to write down in order to help me remember the details and also raise others faith by sharing what He has down.

Our church hosts a little camp known as Galveston Student Camp (recent post). God put so many things in place and blessed many last year we believe God wanted us to do it in 2013.

As spring of 2013 arrived I was informed of a pending semi budget freeze. I think I handled it well, but there was a certain amount of pressure to raise funds. Our weekly charge is pretty small due to a budget item we use as a camp supplement; the supplement was about to disappear.

I put together a list of items we could use at camp and found many who were willing to support. As I write, many of the items have been given.

Kari and I crunched some numbers and arrived at the conclusion we would need $800. We asked the Lord to provide these funds in order for camp to happen the way we had planned.

Over the last three weeks, God has provided, just as we asked.

Taking a recommendation from my father in law of selling asked goods at a local auction barn. I picked 5 ladies and 1 man to make their finest deserts. They each did an amazing job and the Calvert Livestock Auction graciously allowed us to make the sell and even purschased one of the items. Thank you, Calvert Livestock, Inc. We made $515.

As you see in the photo, I received a text from a buddy who lives near Austin. The desire of his heart is to see students know and pursue Christ. He sent $75. Thanks, HS.

Coming down to the wire, on Monday evening (June 3), I received another text message from another friends. He stated he and his wife had been praying for the last month and felt lead to send $300. As Chris Tomlin's Amazing Grace (My Chaims are Gone) played in the background, I wept tears of joy. Thanks, B & L.

I mention these 3 monetary donation amounts specifically because they came from outside FBC Bremond.  God used folks I would have never imagined to help send 21 kids to camp.  What an amazing idea, His are higher, why do we even doubt or question what He can and cannot do.

Many, many, many others have contributed: food, time, money and so much more to make this happen, THANK YOU ALL; through it all we must never forget where it comes from.


He is provider.
"They remembered that God was their rock, the Most High God, their Redeemer."

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