Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hellums Boys Update

From the bouncer to bouncing, from the jumper to jumping; our boys are growing up way too fast.

Landon is loves jumping on the trampoline. It's amazing to watch him build corridonation and the sheer excitement of him flying on the air (well maybe he doesn't fly that high). Some of his common words lately are: Jeremy, hold you, waguer (meaning water).

Logan went from crawling to sitting to speed crawling and now he is pulling up on everything in a matter of a month. He has now started holding himself up with one arm on some objects he pulls up on. He has also begun to find his voice. He says: dada, nana and baba.

One of the highlights of my day is to come home from work and watch Logan's face light up and speed crawl to me. After I pick him up, Landon gets on all fours and crawls to me with a big smile on his face. I pack both boys around and just love the precious time with them.

Thanks for tuning in.

God bless.

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