Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Christmas Season Part Two

"From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another." John 1:16

As I was sitting down to write Part Two, I received and email from a wonderful friend who said the following, "From experience please don't make it all just about the kids.  I did that in just about a way that it become a bad habit that it was just about my kids.  Stay focused on JESUS this Christmas."

I am happy to publish my friends words and say thank you for sharing from your experience.  It is all about Jesus Christ.

Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth, resurrection and second coming.

I love it, Christmas or Christ is not exclusive to anyone.  The passage says, "all received."  If we receive Christ we become benefactors of God' blessings; who abundantly gives them.  Who doesn't want to be blessed?

John 14:6 tells us that, "Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."  Through a relationship with Jesus we "receive blessings [one] after another."  Jesus showers so many blessings on us, so many I can't believe we see all the blessings He provides.

Kari and I desire to instill into our boys that Christmas is about giving and blessing one another with the love of Christ and not just about presents (and surely not candy apples).  Bless someone today, flash a smile, say a prayer or even stop someone and tell them "God loves you" or "I am praying for you."

Truly, tis' the season.  God Bless.

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