Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer! Summer! Summer!

As of May 15th, we will have started our third summer as full-time staff at Highland Lakes Camp. Between May 15th and August 15th, many of those serving work six days a week and somedays 17 hours a day. It sounds like torture, but it isn't when you are serving Jesus and spreading the gospel (it's actually a blast).

Please keep Kari, Landon, Logan and I in your prayers. During the retreat season we get to spend a lot of time together; this will be the first summer with both boys and the first time Dada won't get to kiss each of them goodnight every evening. Also, pray specifically for Kari, as she puts on her Super Mommy uniform everyday to love, take care of, teach, play and feed (among many, many, many other things) Landon and Logan.

Pray for our marriage: that through these three months, we would continue to hold on to our foundation, which is Christ and love one another as we have for almost six years now.

We thank each of you for your prayers, love and support.

God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Via con dios, mi amigo.

You have my prayers - I hope this summer is as awesome for y'all as the last two have been.