Yesterday I completed the CPR/AED/First Aid training course without to much problem. It was an all day process filled with video instruction, teacher demonstrations and practicing some of these life saving applications.
Kari went to the doctor concerning
Baby Hellums for our scheduled appointment. This will be one of the few that I miss. She said the results for the gestational diabetes were fine and everything else looked great. Besides a little back pain, Kari and baby are doing great. It is still very exciting to me that God is forming and weaving a life within my wife. Each day brings something new and Kari and I are both very excited.
Last night I had my first thoughts along the lines of, "Awe man, how am I going to react when my son gets hurt?" I recently hurt my foot and it is scraped and bruised; as I dodged hot water in the shower I was overcome with fear for my child. This pain I was feeling in my foot could one day be a pain my only child has to overcome one day. I winced through the pain, but feared watching or the thought of my son experiencing any similar experience.
I took a moment before bed and was reminded of the following verse, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full and well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place" (Psalm 139:14-25 NIV). Not only is God "wonderfully" making a precious gift for Kari and I, but He is in charge. He knew, knows and will continue to know our son before we even knew he was there. What a thought. This squashed much of the "fear" I was having previous, because I know that ultimately God is in charge because our son is His creation.
Every morning I have an opportunity to have chapel with the Highland Lakes staff. Every aspect of this morning time is "church." We meet, sing praises to God, discuss God's word, encourage one another, etc. (it is a great way to start the morning). Currently, we are preparing for the summer and reading
Crazy Love by Francis Chan. He compares his fatherhood and his desire for his children "only a faint echo of God's great love" (pg. 53). What a concept that I look forward to.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Work is going well. There is always something to do, from cleaning to setting up I am always busy (it is great!).
God Bless and take care.