Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Off to the ER We Go

This post is an echo of a post on June 20, 2009 entitled A Trip to the Hospital. Yesterday evening, Kari fell in our living room at about 9:40pm. At about 10:15pm we decided to go to the hospital.

Landon was putting himself to sleep, meaning he was screaming his lungs out, and Kari was sitting in the living room without the lights on. Landon's scream turned to extreme scream so Kari went to check on him. On her walk from the couch to his room she stepped up onto Landon's train and was swept off her feet. She says her feet went in the air and than she hit her back and head on the tile floor.

My dad and Donna met us at Labor and Delivery in Round Rock. Kari's doctor happened to be on call. They hooked her up and found Baby Number Two's heartbeat. They continued to monitor her for a little over an hour and sent us home. They said, "you'll be sore in the morning," and she was (and still is). We made it home about 2am and quickly hit the sack.

I am thankful to say both Mommy and Baby are doing fine. Thanks for all the prayers.

Two funny Landon moments:

When we were being escorted by a nurse in scrubs to L&D, Landon kept his eyes on her the entire time. Landon has already had a few "bad nurse" experiences and he wasn't about to allow her to touch him. We got a laugh out of that.

Another funny note, when Landon's Grandpa walked into the room, Landon let a terrible scream. Tears rolled down his face and he got very upset. I say it is funny because Grandpa's voice is what is upsetting Landon, so I asked my dad to talk in a higher tone. By the end of the evening, Landon and Grandpa were on good terms.

God Bless.


Sarah said...

I'm so glad Kari and Baby are okay. I fell once when I was pregnant with Nicholas, and it scared me to death. Babies are pretty resilient, and they've got lots of cushioning in there. Tell Kari to be careful!

jayiin mistaya said...

I'm glad to hear Kari is okay! Falling like that hurts like hell, that's for damn sure.

I'm glad she and Baby Hellums the Second are both okay!